
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My first attempt at Yoga

Ok, so I tried Yoga for the very first time today. You know, I always thought Yoga was for left wing individuals who enjoyed organic foods, smoking weed, and au natrale type stuff. Which, frequently tends to be not too far off. After all, my sister Nicole (Who begged me to come along in the first place.) is into shopping at Trader Joe's and eating a balanced diet. (Not weed though.) She's really into health. That is something I completely support, I just find it funny that on top of all this she attends a Yoga class.

Then she got my Dad, a very right winged individual to join Yoga and he loves it. She has since then converted my younger sister, Ashley. So now my two sisters are on me and tell me to join them in a night of power Yoga. I was very optimistic and didn't grit my teeth coming to Yoga. I didn't want to ruin my Fox racing tee shirt so I was half naked in the experience. A good choice I might add. I was a sweat machine in that very warm room. There was a mirror in front of me so I got to admire my skinny, white, farmer-tanned, and ugly body. (I decided that I need to get a tan now. A farmer's tan is just silly looking.)

So we started with some breathing exercises and then got into some stretching and then the poses. You know how when you see this stuff on T.V. it looks totally easy and would be a waste of time? Well it isn't easy and I'm actually glad I went.

Yes, it was hard. Really hard. I can't even begin to explain how out of shape I felt. I felt like a sloth in a sweltering jungle in the middle of summer at high noon. Sure, do one pose right now by itself it may not be too hard but goodness gracious!--One after the other in slow movements will tire you out in the first 25 minutes. Ashley wasn't feeling well and half way through we exited the room to take a break.

I couldn't wait to see the end and leave the room. The staff was really nice and I felt so healthy afterwards. All in all, I wouldn't mind doing it on a regular basis. Although, I'm not sure how much it costs and I'm a pretty frugal person. So if any of you have never done Yoga before I suggest trying it out, you may find that you feel healthier from it and enjoy it.

Peace out,
Stephen Larsen

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