
Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Update! Amazing!


I've been bad I know.  But guess what?  I've added a page to this blog with a list of definitions of words unique to the comic!  Woo hoo!  Also, I've been working on the next issue to the comic and it's turning out really well.  I also have the script written for the next 5 issues or so.  Whew.  So even though you've all waited patiently for the next issue it's going to pay off soon I promise!

In other news, I'll be moving to Utah at the end of this month.  It's going to be interesting.  For those of you who don't know I got into a car accident and totaled my car a few weeks ago.  I'm just thankful to have gap insurance, full coverage, and of course to be alive.  I'll probably be renting a car to get up there.

Other than that, life is as always challenging and as always rewarding.  I hope you enjoyed seeing me in the flesh so to speak and that you continue to enjoy the comics and other posts.  Sorry for leaving some of you in the dark, it's going to turn out super great in the end.  I promise.

Stephen Larsen

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